Before you look for arrest records in Arapahoe County, CO, it would certainly help to equip yourself with information on basic legalese about arrest warrants and how they work. An order for arrest can exclusively be issued by a judicial entity in charge of handling criminal matters.
To seek a warrant against an individual who lives in Arapahoe County, Colorado, or who is residing in the area when he/she has committed the crime, the local police have to approach the criminal court with a request for a warrant.
Before an arrest order is granted to the Sheriff’s Department, the DA”s office or representatives of the law enforcement agency have to submit a writ in court detailing the incident in which the alleged perpetrator is involved and the nature of the crime, along with basic data about the person in question.
The sitting judge carefully studies all the information presented before issuing a warrant. A signed order for detention is called an active arrest warrant. Once issued, this document never expires and can be used to arrest an individual at any time and from any part of the country if it relates to a felony.
If a warrant has been issued, there is a strong likelihood that enough evidence is available in the matter to implicate the individual against whom the arrest order has been granted. Once the person is taken in custody, the police are legally obligated to present him/her for a hail hearing at the earliest.
For more information on outstanding arrest warrants issued in Arapahoe County, CO, get in touch with the Sheriff’s Department. A good approach would be to pay them a visit at 13101 East Broncos Parkway, Centennial, Colorado 80112. A decidedly more convenient option is an online warrant search; if you would like to gather arrest records on the internet, fill in the form provided above.
Can you access the Arapahoe County warrant list and arrest records over the phone? (Current in 2021)
- Information on recent arrests: 720-874-3500.
- Inmate records and arrest records: 720-874-3875.
- General information from the Sheriff’s Office: 720-874-3600.
- Details about a criminal case filed by you: 720-874-6995.
- Details on assistance available to crime victims: 720-874-8500.
- Information for victims (VINE): 720-874-3500, press #7.
- Details about accessing judicial records: 303-645-6814.
Crime statistics of Arapahoe County
In 2018, the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department dealt with about 2215 criminal complaints. Around 1865 of the complaints were for property crimes. There were 1252 cases of larceny theft, 322 incidents of burglary, and 291 cases of motor vehicle theft in this category. Allegations of aggravated assault resulted in the filing of 249 violent crime complaints.
Finally, no quasi-legal piece of writing would be complete without diligent mention of the current criminal scenario in the county of Arapahoe. While the violent crime rate in 2008 stood at about 2500 incidents, this figure was considerably lower at about 2000 a mere ten years ago.
Annually, an estimated 20,000 crime reports are filed in the county, which brings the decade long figure to 206,000 incidents. Although most criminal occurrences are thefts and robberies, rape and murder also form a part of the total crime count in the area at an average of 2400 and 200 incidents, respectively. Most crimes occur when the victim is no more than a mile from his residence or workplace, and daily crime statistics reveal that nearly two criminal incidents occur in the county every hour.